Yep, I’m a Nerd . . .

So, on a whim, I entered “Matthias Corvinus” into the search bar on Etsy. A coin appeared, from his reign, now mounted as a pendant.

First thought: Oh wow! St. Ladislas and the Virgin, yes there’s the raven and ring, yes, that’s a lot like what I remember. Perfect!

Second thought: Wow, I wonder how it ended up in Pennsylvania? It must have some fascinating stories to tell. And in such good condition (dates to 1460s-1490s).

Third thought: Alas, yes, the price is what I’d expect. Bummer.

2020 the Year in Review

Ah, forget it. No one wants to review 2020 yet. Let’s look at pet pictures and dancing bats instead.

I haz a tired. Fair use through Creative Commons 3.0. Original source:

All nipped out.

He’s going ot be a handful in a few weeks! From:

Goth bats clubbing:

And singing along with the classic:

Product Review: MosoNatural air cleaners

MomRed decided that the litter box was too stout. Specifically, the scent of the litter box, whenever we couldn’t open the window for a few minutes/day to air the cat’s bathroom. So she decided that a charcoal bag was called for. Now, I didn’t notice a problem, but I spend more time around that part of the house, and so my nose might be more accustomed to kitty’s whiffy biffy. That, and I stir the litter several times a day (hourly) when I’m home, so it airs better. When I’m a Day Job, that doesn’t get done as often. Continue reading

When Clarifications Just Muddy the Waters

So, a week or so ago, a US federal agency issued a “clarification” about something that served to confuse matters farther. This is, alas, not rare in any bureaucracy, in part because of legalese and jargon, and in part because bureaucracies incline toward prolixity and complexity unless acted upon by an outside force, and even then clarity isn’t always as clear as one might hope. Continue reading

No One Was Surprised . . .

when a soft hum/chant arose from the choir loft during the reading of the Advent-candle text. Isaiah 9: 6-7. “For unto us a Child is born, and unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and he shall be called . . .”

I know that lat least two of you are singing along. 🙂 So were we, mostly without realizing it. The organist gave us a Stern Look, then rolled his eyes, because he was doing it too.

I never, ever did the runs that cleanly. *SIGH*

Have a very, very, blessed and Merry Christmas to those who observe western Christmas, and a peaceful and happy day to all my readers!

That’s an Interesting Translation

This time of year, many Protestant churches that customarily incline toward more modern translations (and interpretations) of the Bible go back to the Authorized Version (King James) or Revised Standard Version for the gospel and Old Testament readings, because of the language. The slightly archaic words seem to fit what a lot of people think of as Christmas. While newer translations can be more easily understandable, the beauty of language can get lost. Continue reading

Mesquite and Land Management

I have a love hate relationship with mesquite. When kept to manageable levels, it is a valuable part of the ecosystem and provides food and shelter for a number of critters. It has wood that makes great bar-b-que, if handled properly*. But it is also a sign of very poor land management, and once it takes over, it ruins pasture and lowers the local water table. Continue reading

Short Day, Long Night, Conjunction

So, have you been out planet-watching? Where weather and light-pollution permits, look in the southwest sky just after full dark. You should be able to see two faint spots that don’t twinkle. Tonight, you will see one faint spot, as Jupiter and Saturn are in true conjunction, overlapping as the evening star.

Today is the shortest day, in the northern hemisphere, and the longest in the south. The day people feared and hoped for, the day that signaled if spring would return as the days grew longer, or if the great winter, Fimbulwinter, or some other horrible season had begun. It was a time of bonfires and prayer and sacrifice to keep the Dark away. “Tonight shall be wild, and tomorrow beyond imagining,” the farmer tells Will in The Dark is Rising. And so it was for Will, and for me, the first time I read that book. Continue reading