New Year’s Resolutions

. . . because everyone else is making them, at least those who follow the Western calendar.

So, I, Alma T.C. Boykin hereby resolve:

1) to finish the two 1/2 to 3/4 finished novels currently fighting for space on my desktop.

2) To publish the rest of the Colplatschki books, as well as the sequel to Hubris and the Cat novel, A Cat At Bay.

3) To take the time to learn how to use GIMP and to make proper covers for my short stories.

4)To continue trying to write more gooder.

5) To continue dressing as if I lived in the wrong century.

6) To keep from gaining weight.

Topography Tells the Tale

Everyone knows the Great Plains are flat, and the High Plains/ Llano Estacado are so flat that they make pancakes look like the Appalachians and Alleghenies. You can stand on a tuna can in Dalhart, TX and see all the way to Wichita, KS. Except . . . once you start walking the ground, you discover that it ain’t necessarily so. Especially if you are walking in spring, during or just after the rainy season. Continue reading

Peaks of Grace Update

The edits on Peaks of Grace, the fifth Colplatschki Chronicles novel, are done, and the cover is about half-way done. As a result I’m planning a mid-January release, barring unforeseen events and bad life rolls.

When the Dark Comes Rising . . .

OK, how many of you finished the verse? 🙂 So you’ve read Susan Cooper’s books, too.

I always come back to them this time of year. Over Sea, Under Stone didn’t do much for me, but then I read The Dark is Rising and got hooked. Eventually I memorized the entire poem set that goes with the books, aside from the Welsh-language bit. As much as I like the others, the first book to feature Will, the seventh son of a seventh son, the last of the Old Ones, is still the best. Continue reading

Winter Music

Let’s see, I’ve got Winter Solstice I-IV in my junk box/arm rest, an instrumental folk-music Christmas/winter CD in the player, Nox Arcana’s Winter Knight currently lined up on iTunes, and I think there’s something else kinda solstice-y cued up after that. Yup, it’s December. Continue reading


Well, I’ve gotten half my good deeds for the year taken care of: I did two stints ringing bells for the Salvation Army. I put on one of my Victorian or German outfits, stand outside a local retailer, and ring a bell, smile, and thank people for their generosity. Several groups at various houses of worship in town have “friendly” contests every year to see who can bring in the most lucre donations. No hard feelings and none of us ever “salt the pot” by adding our own year-end gifts to our group’s take. Nope, never. Continue reading

Soft IFR

The plane entered the base of the grey overcast a few minutes after takeoff. Misty, dove-colored fog replaced the last glimpse of the uneven fields and pastures north and a little east of the big airport. A minute, perhaps two, later the airliner popped out of the cloud deck and into bright sunlight. A few contrails and mares’ tails wisped across the deep blue sky. In the western distance, the blue faded to turquoise.  I grinned. This was my kind of instrument flying – good below, great above, but you can still log it. Continue reading

To my UK and Eurozone Readers

I’m sure you are aware of the looming pending change to the collection of the VAT on certain purchases in the EU. I’m looking at several options. I do not want to stop selling through, .fr,, and other outlets.

Assuming that the regulation goes into effect on January 1 as it currently stands, I know I will have to raise the prices on my short stories to meet the 99 cent post-VAT minimum, and will likely raise a few other prices as well to meet the 2.99 post-VAT floor. I have not decided if I will raise other prices or just take the income hit.

In short, if you are looking at filling in your collection, especially of the short stories, you might want to purchase before January 1. I will let you know through the blog what is coming once I’ve looked at all my options. I hope the VAT change will be placed on permanent hold, or e-books will be exempted as print books are, but I’m not overly optimistic.

Thank you for being such loyal readers, and I’m sorry I have to raise some of the prices.


